"To be continued..."

I love this game so much, I wish it was better. That's how I feel about this game, summed up. I love it to absolute death, but that's why it pains me so much that it is so flawed and held down by (I'm assuming) rushed deadlines and (again, assuming) straining budget. It could have been such an absolute masterpiece, it really could have.

I did not expect the flood of nostalgia that hit me when I booted this game up, and the music screamed at me, and the main menu started. Just great.

There's some shockingly good level design and composition sometimes, and sometimes also just not. Just fucking not. But the look of it all is fantastic. Even without the behind-the-scenes videos, you can tell these people had a lot of fun making this game.

And the pre-rendered cutscenes are stunning and great.

I always loved how this game started like Ghosts 'n Goblins.

I don't know who's better at sucking Dante's dick; these guys, or Dante himself.

Hack-and-slash protagonists: Devil May Cry: a half-demon devil slayer; Bayonetta: a 500-year-old witch; God of War: the God of War; Dante's Inferno: just a guy, but he's basically as effective.

However, the game is not as fun as any of the others (or at least DMC and Bayonetta). After the two first circles, you can sort of feel the development team going "Oh...shit. Is this gonna work for a whole game? I don't know if we have the time or money..." Almost half of the circles don't even have end bosses, not in the traditional sense anyway, because, even with their obvious liberties, sometimes they actually do at least try to follow the original story as closely as possible.

It's a pretty ambitious and unconventional approach to a game, especially in the hack-and-slash genre. But, looking at the behind-the-scenes stuff, there is SO MUCH stuff that they didn't end up using in the final game, and it all looks great, even fantastic. It all just sort of breaks my heart that they couldn't go all in, because this game means a lot to me.

Either way, this game doesn't give a fuck. The second thing you do is kill Death, and the final boss is Satan, and he's got his dick and balls swinging about and everything.

I love the ending to this game, with all my heart, and would completely accept it as an actual ending, were it not for the fact that they literally say "To be continued" on the God damn screen! Other than that, perfect ending.

With all of its flaws, this is still probably the coolest concept and execution of an idea for an adaptation. The concept alone is enough to carry the entire game on its back. I mean, it's a fucking hack-and-slash game based on The Divine Comedy! Come on!

Make Dante's Purgatory, with the original team.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
