These guys really know you always start a game with a quick-time event.


Everything feels even faster, and even smoother than in 2.

I can definitely tell why this was always my favorite. It's like 2, but better. And smaller, which is a surprisingly good thing. And more 2012 stuff.

The second game added the cutscenes, but here we're really doing cutscenes.

Truly a sequel. Immediately starting off with a bombastic action set piece.

And, even though I don't like Rome as much as Florence or Tuscany, I'm glad that they sent us somewhere we hadn't REALLY been before, because I don't think I'd be able to handle having to unlock those cities again.

But I do not like the terrain outside the Centro District. At all.

But horses IN the city? Bruv.

I will say that renovation was a lot more satisfying in Assassin's Creed 2, and just less of a hassle.

They made Desmond's lines a lot more Nathan Drake, and... Gotta be honest, I don't think it's entirely within character for him to speak like this, but I do love it. It's like he's actually comfortable with the crew enough to just be a person.

And the crew is the best crew to ever crew.

I love how Desmond starts doing that thing that we do. Like, Desmond says "I" when he means Ezio. And we usually say "I" when we mean the player character.

I think I enjoy Ezio here a bit less, but Desmond a bit more, so it balances out.

I love that the combat is easier, but one would probably say it's too easy. I mean, except for that one piece of armor you're told to buy, I didn't buy a single armor piece or weapon throughout the entire game. You just insta-kill everybody.

The Assassin Recruits element is a saving grace to break the game up a bit. And it works. It fucking works, man. It's genius, and so obvious, and I love it.

With the added punch of the Cristina missions, this is a masterpiece.

I would probably say it's no Assassin's Creed 2. But maybe it is.

I did fall through the map at one point.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
