"How many fools can I kill today? Too many to count, don't get in my way."

Featuring probably the saddest quick-time event prompt.

Okay, I remember I didn't like the character models in this game, but it's actually worse than I remember. WHAT HAPPENED TO REBECCA?!

Climbing? Climbing? Flows like water. 2 is still smoother in the overall traversal, but this climbing is faster. I find the rest of the traversal a lot less reliable. In an attempt to stop occurrences of the player shooting off in directions they don't want to go, I feel they've made the controls less responsive, and thus eliminated minor changes in direction, even when you're the one who instigates them.

And they've done something weird with the jumping across platforms. Every jump almost feels scripted. Like, in 2, you run to an edge, and Ezio jumps, and then maybe you land on a rooftop, or you don't and you have to catch the edge, or something. But here, when you get to the edge, the game stops and calculates whether or not you're going to make the jump, and everything slows down, and they play this scripted animation of Connor jumping and landing. It's very jarring, and breaks immersion so fucking fast.

Haytham's section of the game is way too long. Like, at least twice as long as it should be.

Those three boat missions are only effective as a way to break up the gameplay those three times. Glad it's over, and that everyone will realize how awkward they are in an Assassin's Creed game, and won't put any more of those in any future games.

These guys' answer to two thirds of the Brotherood map being annoying nothing is to have whole maps in this game just be fucking forest.

It's so fucking empty.

Even when you're in the cities, the streets are so wide that you can't jump between buildings, so what's the point? Just run on the street.

And do I need to do everything?

Ratonhnhaké:ton is supposed to go to this guy's house to ask for training. So, you have to get through the forest, to the guy's house, and interact with the door. He doesn't answer, so then you have to go to the stables to spend the night. Then, the next morning, you have to go up and interact with the door again. Then you go and interact with the back door. Then you go and interact with the balcony door. Then you go to the stables.

I get it. Just fucking do a cutscene, I don't care. I'm not here to knock on doors.

Pacing is nonexistent.

It's 2013 and we've already reached the point of "so realistic, it's tedious and boring."

You can't open the game with one of the coolest missions, and then make me play hide and seek, and hunt wildlife.

You don't get the assassin's suit until almost halfway through the game.

I feel like the reason the Ezio part of the Assassin's Creed story was so special, beyond the fact that there were three games, was the fact that Ezio knew about Desmond (after 2). It made the story feel much more like one whole rather than two halves. And then the fact that Ezio was an Altaïr fanboy made the Altaïr part more connected with Ezio's. Connor just doesn't really have that.

But...you know...at least Desmond's fucking there!

And I feel like most of the criticism I ever heard about this game was about Connor as a character. And I have no problem with Connor. The problem isn't the protagonists, it's literally everyone else. They're all so fucking boring. The whole world is boring.

But I do love how Connor's and Desmond's stories are both about fathers and sons.

The story itself is bad-ass and cool. It's the actual game that sucks.

I feel they should have waited with this for the next game. I don't know why, but the transition of setting from AC1 to AC2 feels natural. Way more natural than AC2 or Revelations to AC3.

It's so different. AC2 felt like a more polished AC1. This feels like they're starting over. Connor even speaks like Altaïr.

But I love fire in video games, and there are a surprising amount of segments surrounded by fire, so that's cool.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
