This starts with strippers, and Dante getting blown. Best game.

Don't do it, but this game just feels like you should drink energy drinks while playing.

Dante doesn't give a fuck. He's great. I love him. He isn't #MyDante, but he isn't #NotMyDante. He's also from Jersey.

This is like what I think a live-action adaptation of DMC would be like.

I love the way they cut from gameplay to cutscenes. It's not as jarring as most games.

I love the text.

I love the balls-out all-in insane style.

Some of this level design is just the fucking best. And, I mean, what the fuck, you're inside a news jingle.

It's funny that they used the Succubus dialogue during the marketing 'cause that's, like, legitimately the worst part of the game.

The second worst part is when you're underground and shit and you're heading to the tower. It just isn't that nice to look at.

I think it's really fucking cool that they sort of adapted Nero's grab attack 'cause that was the best addition in DMC4.

I love the blend of the more modern world with almost a more traditional depiction of angels and demons.

The weapon switching system (inspired by Heavenly Sword) is my favorite of the series. It's so easy and lets you string different weapons together a lot more controlled than in the other DMC games.

"Angel Mode"? "Devil Mode"? This is the most gloriously 2010s edgy game ever made.

Fuck you, Joe. You've tricked me into thinking this game was bad for 9 years.

Honestly? I sort of wish they ran both series at the same time.

If it wasn't for the fact that the combat gets a bit repetitive towards the later half, and that some of the level design isn't that interesting to look at, I'd give it a 9.

And white-haired Dante becomes the "Standard" skin after you beat the game, so everything it changes about the lore is justified.

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2024
