Graphics- Not applicable imo, has a good style to the few scenes we actually see, but graphics are a stretch. Closest I can think of is Inscryption, but that's a stretch.

Fun- I enjoyed it, items are pretty broken though, and its mostly luck anyway. But you already knew that going in because its literally roulette

Story- Not applicable, you go to a party, play roulette, go home with money or die. Thats basically it

Replay value- Pretty high, the game is short and can be a quick fun game you show your friends from time to time

Game length- 2 minutes or an hour, depending on how unlucky or bad you are lol

Price Value - Literally only a dollar I believe. I'd pay like 5 bucks for this

Who is this game for- Just about anybody wouldnt be mad with playing this game for a few minutes, its interesting despite being just a simple game of roulette. Its got style like inscryption, but not nearly as deep. But its great for what it is.

Short but pretty enjoyable and memorable experience. Won pretty easy though but its not always so easy.

Don't feel right giving a number to the rating because of the kind of game it is though.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
