Not gonna wade into the politics of the representation of indigenous folks here, but it does come across as a disappointingly misguided type of exoticism that tries its hardest to be read as reverence. Besides that, I don't have much to critique here other than the length - there's something to be said for a game that doesn't overstay its welcome, but the absolutely frantic pacing can't help but make things feel abbreviated to a fault. In terms of positives, nearly everything else is here is rock solid, from the art design to the gameplay to the voice acting. Very much deserving of the "underappreciated" moniker it receives nowadays even if it doesn't quite scrape greatness often enough. Extra points for the commitment to showing the horrors brought against the humans so bluntly and directly. Seeing a kid get forcefully impaled was not what I expected to see playing this, and I guess that's a compliment in itself.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2022
