Perhaps I'm coming at it wrong for saying this, but its times like this that I struggle with writing game reviews.

I find that so many of them, while informative, come at critique from an objectivist point of view, always talking about the mechanics of a game or whether the design of a game functions well or not, and coming to a conclusion based on the mechanical conclusions of a game's worth. And those are definitely important qualities.

But when it comes to other artistic mediums, such as film or painting, I find that a lot of that mechanical approach is not considered the be-all, end-all for critique, and other elements, such as your emotional response to a piece, are considered just as important to write about. And I don't really see a lot of that in games journalism or reviews. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place, but it's a common occurrence that I constantly see when people are discussing a game's merit.

All this to say, there's definitely stuff you can criticize in here and I'd agree with you. Some of the story and side missions feel a little repetitive after awhile, and in the case of the latter, the rewards you get for completing them aren't necessarily as exciting as you'd expect. The story, while still great, didn't hit me as hard as the first game's story did. And there are some minor things that I liked, such as the character bios and being able to replay podcasts, that do not return for this game, which is a real shame.

But in spite of all that, I just really love swinging through New York City. Especially when the sun is setting. It just looks so beautiful, and I can't get enough of it. I haven't been able to do a lot of travelling since the pandemic, so this feels like the next best thing to exploring a big city. There's really nothing else like it, for me at least, and perhaps that's what I'm trying to get at. There are parts of this game's design philosophy that I can see warranting a 45-minute video essay on why it's "a part of a bigger problem with video games", but I really can't see myself wanting to agree with that video, because I still get so much enjoyment out of this game, just like I did with the first one. The AAA video game scene is starting to look unsustainable, and I continue to find myself more interested in smaller games or classics that I haven't gotten around to playing yet. But if Insomniac keeps making Spider-Man games, I'll still try to stick around for them.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

You make a good point. I don't usually see much of an emotional responses now that I think about it from official outlets that review games. Its usually like you said an objectivist point of view. Fwiw I don't agree with the video either. There's still plenty of enjoyment you can take from the game and at the end of the day thats what your feelings are and no one can take that away from you.