Bayonetta 2 is great, wonderful even! I just had a really hard time finding it to be anything more than derivative from the original, making me feel just overall okay about the game.

The gameplay is just as great as the original, if not better with additions of new weapons, and gear, but the same classic Witch Time as always. This is probably the best thing about it, and I wouldn't really want them to switch it up too much, so I'm completely fine with what this brings to the table.

The story is sort of a miss for me. I really didn't know what was going on most of the time, and I would love to replay it for whatever I did miss, but all I really gathered is that they added new characters, made Luka useful and ended up replaying the same story without anything that new.

Bayonetta 2 isn't bad, it's fine, but it really lacks any memory in my mind. There were cooler moments like her having some mech-sized battle with one of the larger demons controlled by the main villain (forgot their name), but outside of larger-than-life battles, this game really didn't do what Bayonetta 1 did. But it would be nice to replay this game sometime!

Reviewed on May 20, 2022
