Wow. Yakuza 0, is the start of one of my favorite franchises of all time. It's really a shame that this is the new "starting point" of the franchise because it's that damn good. I don't want to go on too much of a tangent, but a game this good sets a lot of unreasonable expectations for the franchise as a whole, and it's important to note all the Yakuza games are some level of "good". 0, however, takes the cake as the best, for now.

The gameplay is hard-hitting and unique, as you barrel your way through Kamurocho, a city that's only about 6 blocks wide, and 5 blocks long. Yeah, you heard me. It's a tiny ass map. Yet all the fun substories, missions, minigames, collectibles that actually give you good shit, and a complete list a mile long having you do and see nearly everything in the game? It's perfection, really. Yakuza mixes a collectathon with an inspiring story, fun combat, and so much to do. It's tough to say more without you just picking the game up yourself, and considering I regularly see 0 at 4.99 on PSN, why don't you just take my advice and buy it already?

But if you're not convinced, I get it. It's an open-world game, right? So many of those have boring and bland stories that just lore dump down your throats, and make some super evil big bad taunt you the entire 30 hours. Yakuza 0 isn't like that. Yakuza 0 bosses will try running you over in the fucking sewers with a goddamn motorcycle and a katana. They will make themselves known. You will be fighting tough enemies regularly, and having yourself challenged both as Kiryu and Majima. On top of all this is a story that brought me to tears several times, and an ending that might be one of the most compelling, wonderful pieces of fiction ever. Majima (up to this point) had almost no good character background or development either, and in 0, they fixed almost every fucking thing about his character, giving him the development he needed while also highlighting Kiryu's bond with Nishiki (definitely something you'll want to know before you play Y1/Kiwami 1.)

Yakuza 0 is RGG perfection as it weaves a path through some of the greatest games in history, giving it a perfect story and satisfying combat. For the price most people get for this game as well, the value is insane as you're basically playing one of the best games of all time, and working towards completing it, which can take upwards of 130 hours.

God, I fucking love Yakuza 0.

Reviewed on May 26, 2022
