This game is such a product of its time. It falls perfectly in this category of late 7th generation AAA games, where everything is gritty and dark and the characters are in dire situations or struggle more than usual. They are very "serious" (because games are serious now), very "cinematic", use all these camera effects, absolutely unnecessary long cutscenes and (of course) QTEs. Max Payne 3, Hitman Absolution, Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us etc etc. And the problem is that all these games do these things reeeeeally badly and unnecessarily. Long cutscenes work only if the story is interesting and characters are not just action guys (and even then there's time and place for them), the ugly shaky-cam aesthetic peaked in Kane & Lynch 2, and QTEs are shit, oh my God, you don't need them anywhere but in Telltale or Quantic Dream games. But all that aside, the game is pretty good, a bit clunky at times and a bit over the top, but I enjoyed it. Platforming still doesn't really fit this kind of game, but it was alright.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
