Night Slashers is Data East's horror themed BTM game (beat em up) about three 90s OVA characters—an edgy blonde white guy with robot arms, a martial artist vampire hunter, and a highly agile female martial artist—killing zombies, Frankenstein, Frankenstein's monster, werewolves, vampires, Dracula himself, Final Fight enemies with axes, fat guys, mummies, commando knife fighters with and without Jason masks. Like most BTMs, how much you enjoy the game is going to mostly rely on how much you vibe with the theme. There's a lot of variety in enemies and level art, but the level designs still feel somewhat samey. The combat is simple BTM stuff, but there's a little bit of complexity in special moves and grabs. The bosses are pretty easy, but their standard trick is that they spawn adds. The best part of this game is the animation, which can be really satisfying, particularly the death animations. Zombies (and weirdly other enemies) melting into nasty piles of goo after death never got old.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
