I played this game every day between October 1 and February 7. The gameplay of Snap is excellent, and for a while the treadmill is really enticing—I earned new cards at a pace and in an order that successfully sparked some inspiration in the new combos I could try. When that happened, I could play dozens of games whittling the new deck and strategy down, until I got something new that did the same thing, and so on. As deck variety increases so does strategic complexity, and the game is excellent at getting you time and opportunity to explore its systems; there's not many explicit tutorials, but the card effects are simple and the rate at which your decks grow feels so natural. It must be said the card game itself feels really well-designed and balanced, and for many characters right on theme. I had a great time for a long time.

However, as I reached collector level or whatever 2000, the pace of new cards, let alone new cards that inspired new decks of strategies to play with, had slowed almost to a halt. I had plenty of different deck archetypes that were strong and fun to play, but playing them over and over was wearing thin, and often due to this game's strange match making I found myself playing against the same kind of decks I was using over and over, and when I rarely played against a player with a significantly different deck they had some higher tier cards I didn't even have in my deck yet that were frustrating to play against. I probably maintained between a 50% and 60% win rate, if not lower than that, and since you lose cubes or whatever when you lose, I would get to a certain tier in the battle pass and just stick there, constantly floating around the 40s. I felt like I wasn't making any progress in any of the games many progress areas, and for a while just continued playing to complete the daily missions, with the idea that eventually I would open a card that made the game feel fun again. It finally felt like the game was trying to get me to spend money, for the sheer possibility that I might, just maybe, get something out of it. I did some of the battle passes over this period, but as late in the game as I was it no longer felt worth it, and I spent days trying to get myself to stop playing, since at this point it had become a habit to pop it open whenever I had a couple minutes.

Then the shitty Marvel movie tie-in battle pass showed up and reminded me I actually hate all this shit, so I haven't played since. Still, I don't regret my time with it. Marvel Snap was a really fun game until it wasn't.

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2023
