i am very unexperienced with fighters in general, even moreso with anime fighters as someone who entirely grew up with mortal kombat, soul calibur & aki wrestling games (+ DEF JAM). that said this is definitely the most fun i've ever found the core gameplay of its kind, compared with my smattering of blazblue, skullgirls & guilty gear. not sure i'm too convinced of the way it articulates its lore (though its more interesting after some perusal of the wiki makes the dialogue more intelligible), but the persona 3 reminiscent urban fantasy setting of the arcade story and arenas is very appealing. character designs are generally great, i've gone through about half of their arcade stories and all of them have been pretty fun to play, though my favorite is definitely AKATSUKI. no real interest in getting good and i can't play online anyway due to terrible internet, but i have been practicing some of the intermediate/expert combos in the mission mode and while they are somewhat tricky for my fingers to articulate it feels pretty cool when i pull them off. very fun game.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2023
