respawn/EA never intended or expected this game to pop off as large as it did and it shows. with each new update or character that is added to the game, the dev team breaks it more and more. Currently, we have been unable to play due to increasingly bad server issues and this has been going on for almost two weeks now. It is expected that Respawn will delay their upcoming tournament.

If any other game studio, like Epic Games for instance, had this many problems with just getting their fucking game to run it would be news. The Apex development team/Respawn/EA/whoever is quite frankly embarrassing. I just cannot imagine any other Triple A studio having THIS much trouble getting a fucking game to work.

Is it still fun to play? Yeah, when it works. But the minute that another gun-play heavy BR drops I'll be moving on. I was hoping that Battlefield would be releasing on time, but with the recent announcement of it's delay and lack of any real gameplay footage, I do not feel confident in that game either.

Reviewed on Sep 23, 2021
