Pretty good interactive comic paired with a pretty mediocre pet game.

The comic part is surprisingly good. It's nothing deep but it's a lot better written than most gacha game plots, with a genuinely really engaging slice-of-life plot. The interactive parts are simple but genuinely do a good job of building immersion, even when it's as simple as controlling the protagonist's footsteps while she's walking during a conversation.

The cat raising minigame is... not so great. It's got no real depth at all, it's just a timesink and a place for you to spend in-game currency. Playing with your pets and feeding pets is purely about earning game currency, there's no real sense that you're actually doing anything with the cats. Feels like it's only there as a way to keep people logging in every day, not because it's meant to be fun.

Three star interactive comic with -1 stars' worth of ads.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2022
