hands down one of my favourite games that i've played in a long time.

writing at the start of the game is sloppy and cringey at parts, but it's got such a gripping plot in my opinion that i honestly wanted to keep seeing the next part. the writing for me picked up in the later missions and i genuinely had a lot of fun with the final stories. i honest to god got really attached to this cast and found a lot of enjoyment in finding out how their stories ended. character design and the visual style of this game is stunning too.

i'm not a fan of speedrunning games, but this game gets the job done so fast it doesn't even make me that mad to do a level over and over again for an ace medal. the levels are insanely well designed and i had a hell of a lot of fun playing them. i think the only real complaint i have is the gifts; i went out of my way to collect them all regardless, but some of them are so stupid it's baffling.

now onto the heaven and hell rushes, getting ace on all the missions and potentially 100%ing the game... if it doesn't finish me off

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2023
