fucking bawled by the end. the story at the start and the forced side content was a bit on the nose, but kiryu combat is at its best here, maybe even better than 0, and i had a really fun time with it despite the short length of this game. exactly what i could want from a yakuza 6 follow up and its fucking great.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023


6 months ago

honestly yakuza always forces you in doing a little bit of side content and this one was way less intrusive than most of them, yes they showed a lot of the coliseum in the main story but they really put the effort to make it work in the plot

6 months ago

thats true, the coliseum wasnt as intrusive and i thought it was alright, but akame network was what really got me and i thought it wasnt a very good way to pad out time

6 months ago

people really forget how good 0 combat was huh