I've never seen so much wasted potential in one game my god. I already knew YIIK was ass from all the video essays, reviews, and memes from the past 2(?) years but somehow I got it into my head that I should try it myself. I did and after 23 hours I have to say that this is faaaaaaaaaar from the worse RPG i've ever played but it still isn't good in any way beyond the visuals and 75% of the music tracks.

Besides the writing being purple as hell and overwrought, the gameplay is undercooked. All of the enemies might as well be the same since only 1 or 3 have any interesting gimmicks to differentiate them from each other, leveling didn't mean shit since it felt like I was barely getting stronger despite ending the game at Level 59 (yes my damage numbers were going up somewhat but either the enemies were growing at the same rate to make it irrelevant or something because I rarely went over 20), fights still went on for too long even though the battle system supposedly got cleaned up in the 1.25 update thanks to the new affinities and them neutering LP Toss (i turned affinities off once i got Vella just to speed things up), Rory is laughably useless its almost sad considering his arc, and overall the game just felt like it needed a couple more years in the oven to even play well.

They're supposedly releasing the 1.5 update in April which looks honestly interesting and the added content looks massive so i'll play it since I already bought this waste of space but I don't recommend anybody else to impulse play this unless they're a fan of hipster cbt.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2022
