I really liked the idea of a point & click / platformer hybrid game. Unfortunately, when I played it, it was too much of a clash in my head. It wants to be both and then it is only mediocre in both cases. It's not a really good point & click and not a really good platformer. The humour is very wacky and crass, typical of Ben and Dan. But sometimes it's too crude or specific, which I couldn't quite grasp as a non-Brit. The story is really just an accessory. There are a few pretty cool meta-gags and even meta-puzzles, some of which are really tricky. If you liked the humour of the two previous games and don't mind that both components of the game are just okay, you can definitely grab this one.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2022

1 Comment

Damn, two of my favourite genres that, in my head, could actually blend well. On the other hand, I'm usually in the mood for one of them at the time, so I wouldn't like to go jump running in the same session I wanted to sit down and relax at my chosen pointy clicky pace and vice versa. But that's the thing with hybrids, they may sound good on paper, but often enough turn out to be rubbish, don't they?