As much as I wanted to like this game it always ended up feeling shallow and one dimensional. The graphics, sound, art style, immersion and overall vibe are all incredible and deserve to be appreciated on their own but the gameplay and story often times fall flat for me.

I feel like if you go into this expecting a fun open world action game that you can immerse yourself in you're going to have a good time but if you go into this expecting an RPG with choices that really affect the story in a meaningful way with deep combat mechanics that makes you really have to decide what type of character you are and how you'll play like I did you're probably going to be disappointed because it has neither of those things. Maybe I just went in with the wrong expectations. Despite all of that I'm glad I played this finally and can still appreciate what a titanic effort developing something like this must have been.

Also this game is still buggy as hell even in patch 2.1 what the heck??

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
