i don't think it's that bad to be honest. for a "mobile game" it has some incredible moments. the story is charming but tropey, and they know when to let loose and to make fun of itself. early on in the story has some crazy rpg nonsense that you can tell the developers were just having fun with it. the exploration in mondstadt and liyue we're magical, almost breath of the wild-esque. inazuma was similar. you see something cool and you wanna go and explore? you can do it and you will most likely be rewarded for it. theory crafting team compositions in regards to character elements, weapons, artifacts are all fun before you reach the time/pay wall. combat is a little subpar, but they did well all things considered. quick swapping and auto attacks feel fun, the whole elemental stuff makes it more interesting and in depth. but i still prefer honkai combat, animations and game feel, in other words it could have been better.
but ahh, the predatory gacha system. i'm sure it's fine if you don't pay much attention to it, but the temptation is still there, especially when you've dumped so much time into it. the brain numbing ending game is hilariously slow but in turn becomes a great time waster. it at least feels fun to do big damage so there is still a payoff, but just getting there is the hellishly long and spending money will get you there faster which is already a red flag if you're bad with money (couldn't be me).

this game felt like a free to play, open world breath of the wild with online content FIRST, and a gacha game second. but once you reach end game it all starts to make sense. play for the content and thats it, its never worth doing the dailies and hoping for a chance to get the character you want, it's just a rabbit hole with literally zero payoff.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2022
