I had no business playing this when i was a kid, it's funny how far in the game i went at that time even without finishing it (because i didn't knew how to speak english and was scared shitless), when i was 14/15 i decided to pick it up again and i finally finished it and it felt so different. The fear factor is supposed to be larger because of Nemesis but when you're not a small kid anymore it just doesn't work, the first 2 games can often scare me right now and i'm 24, but this one not so much. I guess because the fear of the big menace is more related to losing progress and frustration than it actually being scary.

Jill has a lot of personality and this is the game that made me obsessed with her when i was a kid, her and Lara Croft were really important to me... maybe because gays love strong women that kill people i have no idea why but i was obsessed.

Reviewed on May 09, 2022
