This is it, the ultimate adventure game.

I have a feeling that this game would have severely changed me as a person had I played it when I was much, much younger, albeit would have been the MSX version. I've played the remake. Alas, I've only gone through it this year and I deeply regret not having played this for as long as I could have.

La-Mulana is a metroidvania that prioritizes on puzzles, and by god does it throw puzzles at you. I'm not talking sokobon minigames or whatever, I'm talking literal "jot notes down or you'll never beat this" puzzles. The locations you visit, you will visit again and again throughout the game until the very end. Puzzles are easily missed and secrets are plentiful. I've obtained every possible item and I still didn't find all of the secrets.

Starting as a weak, simple adventurer, you'll delve down the ruins of La-Mulana, obtaining powerups to make your Lemeza stronger. As you get stronger, you get more confident. As you get more confident, the game will tell you to sit down. It's relentless, it does not waver and it does not hold your hand. This is, again, the ultimate adventure game.

Even if this is 5 stars, I still have a complaint, and that is the Hitboxes. They're seemingly inconsistent and sometimes irritating to deal with, but it's such a minor complaint that I can't in my right mind dock a half-star for that reason. I love this game. It's a new favorite and I am now going to pester my friends to experience it.

If you want to experience this game, you need to do it without guides. No hints, nothing. Get your pen and paper and start solving the mysteries of La-Mulana. If you do look up guides, you will disrespect the philosophy of La-Mulana.

Thank you, NIGORO.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2023
