Not a well designed game on most levels but a very fun one. Riddled with a few amount of glitches too, but only one I encountered was actually gamebreaking. I also hate how some missions make you do an entire long objective over again if you die once. Also the side activities aren’t really that fun except Fraud and Genki’s thingy and mayhem is cool too. Other than that the game is mostly smooth sailing.

The story is okay too, but I wouldn’t take it too seriously. I enjoy the characters most when they’re just saying and doing outrageous shit, which is why it’s annoying when Shaundi complains the whole way through lmao. She was funny in the bits with the nyteblayde guy though.

Probably my favourite mission in the game is the one in the simulation where you beat Matt Mercer, that one is probably the most creative one in the whole game. I also love the Murderbrawl one mostly cause I love wrestling.

In conclusion this game is pretty bad and stupid but it’s so fucking awesome man. It’s like if me and my friends made GTA. Awesome.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2021
