What a trip to memory lane! Hawken, which I played with all my friends back in highschool, had a lot going on: the aesthethics were phenomenal, the combat felt truly unique and every arena had their own feeling. I played a lot with the early game tv-box, but I was good at it. Flying over the enemies and zip-zapping around them, hiding behind corners and shooting rockets to destroy felt incredible -checks time- TEN years ago? It's been some time.

The game was yet sort of predatory with its monetization, right when the business model "cash in as much as possible and give nothing" was taking foot in the market, until it was no more. It couldn't take from the community it had created any longer so it disappeared. Just for Hawken Reborn to spit on its legacy.

When history witnesses a great change,
Hawken reveals itself...
first, as a great hero.

As a hero, it uses its power
to cash money upon the land,
and then it dies.

However, after a period of microtransactions,
Hawken returns, this time,
as an AI project.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2023
