7\10 but i wish it was a 10

a bealtiful well crafted story about diversity and the bealty of being a stubborn kind, the true strenght of humanity is our differences and our abbility to cooperate with each other and create bonds, and in that premise, TeC excells, however, it gets sabotaged by its own desire to be a video game, and thus falls into the traps of having the little quirks and annoyances of a mid title.

many people don't know but using the inventory map (press i, the game doesn't tell you that, i know) you can find exactly how to progress to the next tower, otherwise it becomes a frustrating game of guessing, while many games with multiple characters have the decency of making non controled characters take care of themselves, in this game you will find yourself babysitting most of your family because if left to their devices, they will drown without getting out of the water, be attacked by creatures, turn on traps that remove the items you deposit on their inventory, it ends up making this bealtiful tale be accompany by the world's longest bodyguarding quest in gaming, it seems to be a trend with ace team to make bealtiful games brough down by their own need to be mid to average games, to your next title, focus on being fun pleace

Reviewed on Jan 31, 2024
