mixed feelings left and right.
at times i was loving the experience, at times i was dreading the massive jank this game is, getting stuck on geometry mid run, buttons fighting each other to decide which input to commit to, enviromental hazard not working as intended, it was almost as if the game was trying to balance itself by having a super fun rule of cool style of story and the most bland and broken gameplay, it gets a little better with shadow stages but you play so little of the two main characters, i overall enjoy SA1 much more, it had its fair share of jank but i could at least trust the systems to work, man if this is sonic all the way to next gen i dunno if i wanna continue the series, i asked a friend of mine who has much more experience with sonic (one of his fave stuff) and he quoted ''you havent experienced sonic until you ve died to shitty rails a dozen times'' power to whoever likes this game or liked back in the day but good grief, at least in SA1 the character while fast had some ground for proper controlling, SA2 perpetually left me stuck in a janky fight for proper control as even turning might break the physics and bring the running to a halt, lost count the amount of times i died to sommersault and light dash fighting each other to see who will register the input and kill me.

it stopped being fun at the hero sections, whose idea was it to triple the size of knuckles and tails levels anyway ?
i've seen the troubled development hell this game went through and its honestly a miracle this game and even sega stood after the storm like that, it makes me respect the story, but it doesn't make this game any less icky to play, story is cool tho, hopefully i can get to later entries and never open this again.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
