The concept and gameplay of this game, the ability to create your own levels and play with friends, customize your pod and characters (AND save them to switch between saved looks), and the massive amount of online levels make this game a 5 in my heart, but I can't genuinely look at all the weird racist shit and give it a higher rating than this. Basically every story game area is a caricature of a certain country.

TLDR; 5 for the actual game, 0 for so much of it being racist shit

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2022


1 year ago

why mafia isn't a fucking aesthetic: a thread
lbp racist.....thats a new one

1 year ago

reading the comments and thinking about challenging backloggd users to google orientalism

14 days ago

Lovingly representing another country's culture by taking inspiration from their art and music does not equal racism