this game is beautiful. not just in the character art, which is a cyberpunk rainbow of scratched plastic, worn servos, glowing screens, queer faces, and baggy overalls. the world it presents is beautiful, in its own way. surrounded by decay and despair on a crumbling space station, you must try to build a life for yourself before your own mechanical body falls apart. maybe while it's falling apart. you're going to make trade-offs. you can't help everyone. i've just completed one ending, and i'm wracked with guilt over what i left unfinished. there is so much more i have yet to see. simple tabletop mechanics, moody synth music, and a concise UI make this game streamlined and easy to get immersed in. i've been consumed by it over the last two days, and i have a feeling i'll be returning soon enough.

wake up, Sleeper.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
