I think this is the inferior of the two Retro Studios DK games, but Returns is still an excellent platformer that really knows how to handle momentum-based movement and gameplay. The 3DS struggles a bit visually to keep DK front and center, resulting in losing him in the fray sometimes, but generally the game retains the high bar of its audiovisual Wii presentation. The game does suffer from some moments of poor hit detection and baffling checkpoints, but this only pops up in the late stages where challenge may be appreciated. This game adds an easy mode for those who just want to enjoy the ride and it's a welcome addition for those who may be in for the game's cheery appearance but don't want the smoke of the latter half's brutal difficulty spikes. This 3D port also adds a few levels at the end, which function as remix stages for each world. None of these were too difficult, and aren't as tightly constructed as Retro's initial batch, but it's a fun bonus for those who played the Wii version and need a reason to try this one out. Returns is less well balanced than its follow-up, but it maintains to be one of the Wii's best games, and now 3DS's best ports.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2023
