Eternights was the game I almost didn't play, but I'm so glad I did.

I was excited about Eternights when it first got announced, but after playing the one-hour demo I was a bit iffy on it. The combat felt clunky and weird, and the visuals looked lower budget than I expected. And I thought some of the dirty humor felt way out of place at times.

But something about it made me want to keep going, so I took the risk and bought it. And I'm so glad I did, because after that first hour it started clicking, and by the end I was so shockingly moved by what I just experienced, I was close to tears.

This is a beautiful, but flawed game. It's a game I wouldn't blame anyone for not feeling. I do think the combat is weird still, though I liked how surprisingly deep it was with all your different moves, elemental attacks, and party support. The story also wasn't quite as deep as I would've liked, it really was a story that went up and down for me.

The beauty of this game is in its characters. It's a Persona-like game. You power through dungeons and maintain relationships with characters to gain the upper hand in fights. But even though I wasn't sure about the writing at first, I ended up absolutely loving it. It ranged from funny to romantic, to serious and emotional. And all the characters feel unique and equally well written. Like I said before, by the end I was moved to almost tears by how attached I felt to these characters.

The music was also great, it matched the tension of dungeons, and the emotions of those serious character moments. And the art style, while still feeling low budget, had a charm to it that I liked. And after all, it is a low budget game, so I gave it credit.

Overall, I thought this game was a beautiful experience, and with the new game + as well as branching endings and stories for different characters, I'll definitely be diving in again!

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
