i liked it :]

the gameplay i cannot talk about much because i played on easy mode. there are a lot of modifiers and different types of resistance that my brain kept sliding right off it, and i am nothing if not a deeply lazy person so

but the story is great. the aspects of multiple-choice past really sucked me in, i liked all the companions - especially aloth my beloved..., the world of eora is so beautiful and detailed, and you get a TON of background options, all of which play into dialogue (some, of course, more than the others, but it is still incredible variety). the expansions are also quite good. also its a minor thing, but something about how lgbt characters were woven into the world really got to me... some background npcs whose memories / thoughts you can see. it just felt so natural and i rarely felt as comfortable and accepted in a game, even those geared towards lgbt romances like dragon ages of the world

i do think that the backer-written characters suck though and take you out of otherwise well-crafted world with great writing. but they are clearly marked so at least you can ignore them

edit: finished a replay on march 31 and while it still slays and i love iovara its kinda a bummer how few priest dialogue options there are </3 maybe it's better for other priests but if you are a waelite Fuck you

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023
