This is a five star review, but this isn't a perfect game. It definitely has flaws. However, I give it 5 stars because for fans of JRPGs, it provides that elusive nostalgic high that we play so many of these mediocre games to chase. That first game you fell in love with: for me it was FFX, for you maybe FFVII, Suikoden 2, Persona 3, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, or Dragon Quest 8. Whatever it is, there's a distinctive feeling it gave you as a kid, that you continue playing JRPGs trying to rekindle. Most of the time, you are let down. You may like the combat system, or a few characters, or find the plot decent enough, but usually it just doesn't get there. You might even hit a point where you wonder if a JPRG will make you feel that way again. You're just too old now. These stories are too simple. It's just nostalgia. I thought I had reached that point, but this game proved me wrong.

At face value, the story isn't that exceptional. Aside from one or two of the villains, most of them feel painfully childish- like power rangers monster of the week throwaways. The overarching plot itself is good and engaging, but doesn't stand out among standard JRPG fare. What DOES stand out is what it MEANS, what this story represents, its themes. Time, regret, love, fear, what it means to be alive even if it's painful. THAT is extremely well-done, and emotionally moving. The main cast of characters (and the 20+ heroes that join your party) are my favorite party in a JRPG I've played since I was a kid- maybe my favorite ever, I'll have to think on that. They don't feel like a collection of anime tropes and established archetypal cliches, they feel like human beings. They all have flaws, and growth, and individual arcs. The way they interact with each other over the course of the game- going from hate, to distrust, to begrudging neutrality, and so on, eventually to intimate friendship and love; watching these characters go from enemies to inseparable companions is genuinely touching, especially in the backdrop of a hostile militarized world that makes you question if its even worth fighting for, if there's anything worth salvaging. So, while admittedly, this is a typical JRPG story about a group of friends challenging a corrupt world order in order to save the ones they care about, it is told in such a beautiful and human way, it towers above any JRPG I have played in a long time. If you are a fan of the genre, this is a must-play. This game belongs in the canon of best JRPGs of all time.

TL;DR: Amazing characters, beautiful story. Must-play for JRPG fans. Steer clear if you don't like the genre. It's not for you. Expect run-time of 100 hours+, but its a world you're going to want to keep exploring and will feel sad to leave.

Reviewed on Sep 30, 2022
