i have nothing to say that hasn't been said. robot dog guy good (he's a submarine!!! he's a rocket skateboard!!!!), slide goooooood (adds just the right amount of complexity to combat, mm needed one more thing and this is perfect), skeleton robot look cool, make me replay four stages and fight bosses from a game that was shorter than this one bad, music still good, maybe not AS good as 2??? ETC ETC

I'm kind of torn here because i feel like the actual design of the levels is better than ever despite the lack of anything REALLY iconic here, and sliding is SUCH a positive game changer but i think the game is a little too difficult with enemy patterns and tracking bullets and much harder bosses than 1 or 2 and it's WAY too long what the FUCK what is wrong with eight robot masters and like four to six wily stages why is there anything more? I spent a lot of time with this game, which has some of the best FEEL of maybe any i've ever played just kind of being frustrated it wasn't a straight platformer, which is a bummer, because when you're in a good groove with the combat, the slide finally gives you a complete verbset and it really sings now.


Proto Man is the funniest character of all time man what is his DEAL he just shows up and sucks a bunch and then at the end of the game mega man looks up at his force ghost in the sky like he died!!!! he didn't!!!! he just left!!!! proto man is in fact the only guy who was in that castle and DIDN'T die!!!!!!! what a loser

it's a good game i like it fine

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2021
