i really wanted to love this game.. but there's some shortcomings.

The game has a lot of side content. A lot. It's often throws it all at you in a way that doesn't feel too consumable and it's overwhelming. Sometimes the side content is rewarding, other times it throws puzzles at you long before you've aquired the tools or knowledge to solve them, and you just end up spending a lot of time being frustrated.

Now, one can skip the side content if they wish, but in the process, TT sacrificed focus on expanding the main story to expanding the side content. On one hand it's good for replayibility, but on another, you feel like you're missing out when the game skips the final space battle in ROTJ.

Now, this is still a good game. The combat is fun, and the humor lands very consistently. But I'll be honest, with "The Complete Saga" being one of my favorite games ever and boasting a lot of nostalgia from my younger years, this game had some really high standards to reach.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2022
