I really want Genshin to be a good game but sadly it was made only to print money. If you took out all of the gacha mechanics and replaced them with some in-game grind mechanic that wasn't locked to 4 tries a day this game would be one of the best on the market. The overall art design is really really good, the soundtrack is one of the best i've heard and even the story is somewhat entertaining (for a gacha game). It DESPERATELY needs more endgame activities though, because at a certain point there isn't much to do. If you love min-maxing you'll enjoy this game more than an average andy. If you do try to play this game, DO NOT SPEND ANY MONEY! It's not needed and everything is very expensive anyway. Playing f2p only is fully viable and won't lock you from anything that the game has to offer. I pray for the day a perfect private server comes out and lets people enjoy it without all the gacha bullshit. Only recommending playing this if you have nothing better to do.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2022


1 year ago

I like this review, and i agree you shouldn't go "Crazy" with money i would say, and look up the top 5 stars before you pull... (Kazuha, Zhongli, Ganyu, and etc.) but almost NEVER pull on the weapon banner unless you didn't get super lucky and don't have 5* weapons, even then they're not really that needed.

10 months ago

Agreed! I think any gacha game is fun if you earn money by doing stuff instead of spending money on it, but it applies to this game perfectly. For me, it's very satisfying and somewhat comforting to kill enemies and earn money than to spend money and earn money

But yeah, other than that insufferable aspect, I love this game. It's probably my top comfort game besides Undertale and the Kingdom Hearts series, and although it may not mean a lot personally unlike the other two, it's still a game that I love
And it also gave us Kokomi, my beloved