A solid entry in the Far Cry franchise, especially given it's age. It was a bit ahead of it's time, but not without it's faults. It also ran great on my Steam Deck. Solid 60 FPS with high settings.

The game had some unique gameplay elements (for the time), but it was plagued with Ubisoft's 2008 design choices. The first Assassin's Creed had similar issues and it got overly repetitive and grindy. The story was decent, but the acting and dialogue left something to be desired. Combat could be satisfying and almost everything can catch on fire leaving you with some pretty fun engagements. However, enemies spawn out of nowhere quite often and will run you over before you know they are there.

The setting is amazing and probably one of, if not my absolute favorites. The world felt like a war torn country and had some diverse settings (desert, jungle, wetlands), and the dynamic weather was pretty great too. The limited fast travel was nice as you couldn't just fast travel to every location instantly(though more bus stops would have been nice). The minimap and navigation (GPS and sign post highlighting) immersed you more in the world. The freedom you have to tackle missions, collectibles, and just exploring was awesome for the time.

Overall a solid entry in the series with some solid elements, but the grindy/repetitive missions have not held up as well . If you are a fan of the series it is definitely worth a shot.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
