A classic franchise I encountered for the first time. Honestly had never played a Mega Man game before.

Definitely not a bad game, but not really my cup of tea. Played this for the Retro Handheld's community GoTM.

This game offers a lot of variety and enemy mechanics. Some of it can be incredibly frustrating, but overall rewarding when you figure it out. The platforming can be really satisfying, but some (like the blocks that disappear and reappear) force you to die and replay parts of the level. The game rewards attention to detail and screams for you to replay it to "master". The bosses felt unique and challenging, and definitely required you pay attention. Although, I was not expecting the "last" level to be 6 separate levels. lol.

If you haven't played Mega Man before it's definitely worth it for some good video game history or if you like the style of platforming and boss encounters this game has.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2023
