And from the best game of my Halloween marathon to… what was easily the worst. Jack is Missing is a first-person story game which is just so fucking broken. Like, there’s lag on everything you do. There’s no button prompts for anything so you kind of have to guess what you’re meant to do when you pick up an item and want to put it down. Objectives and instructions aren’t generally clear so sometimes you’re left trying to figure out what to do. Cutscenes lock your character in place so whoops, if your head was inclined down when the big jumpscare was supposed to happen then too bad, you don’t actually get to see any of it. Like, I can say that the game wasn’t really a major glitchfest… but when my assumption while playing it is that it is, and when I restart it three times because I think some non-existent signposting is actually the game glitching out and preventing me from progressing, that’s… at least a little bit of an indictment. Combine all that with a… badly written story that literally ends, like, a third of the way through and some really incomprehensible voice acting, and… man, I’m loosely generous and tend to give things the benefit of the doubt, and I wouldn’t call this as bad as other things I’ve given this score, but… I honestly cannot think of anything this game in particular does well, and when the core of this broken mess is something that… wouldn’t have been very good to begin with, I don’t think I’d be lying if I said this was one of the worst games I’ve ever played. Light 1/10.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2022
