Faith: Chapter II works both to expand on what worked in the original game while also helping to fix some of its issues. The most notable thing, I feel, is the increase of this game’s scope — multiple large and distinct areas that all feel fresh compared to each other and never make the game wear out its welcome, even given how much longer it is than the first FAITH. The map as a whole has also been tightened — sending the player through gated paths and corridors as opposed to the rather large and open forest and house of the previous game, making it so that while sometimes I could see a puzzle and be all like ????????????? it was never a question of where I was meant to go. The strengths of the original are still here, too: the artstyle/retro aesthetic is still fantastic, and the game strikes the balance of emulating its inspirations while not going way too far with them. I knock it down a bit mostly… due to some plot stuff — for the second part of a trilogy it really doesn’t particularly go anywhere, aside from introducing some new characters — and because the enemy encounters here felt samey/not as unique as what came before (and what’s to come in chapter III), but all in all I’d consider this a step up: it keeps what made its predecessor fun and unique and yet expands in ways that make it feel brand new. 7/10.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023
