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This was my group's game of the month for April this year. I got to what felt like the third major act, after a reptilian boss, and played another boss or two after that.

This game is fine! It's solidly built, has a couple of neat abiliities, and the mostly whatever visual design and eye-rolly boring story are quite polished. When i sat down to play it, I genuinely enjoyed it until I got tired and put it down. Once I stopped, I didn't really feel any pull to come back. The backgrounds were the best part aesthetically, and one ocean themed area in particular was really impressive.

The combat is both interesting and a little off - the soulsy parry/dodge stuff is fun, but not always super clear when you can do what, and I was never able to get a firm grasp on where any hitboxes are or predict where they might be on a new enemy. Bosses had a nice soulslike thing of "this is impossible" pretty quickly giving way to "I can see exactly how I'll beat this." Normal enemy encounters were pretty solid, though some really tediously avoid the player and you end up just kind of jumping around after them. Others you can just cheese a bit by juggling.

The platforming and ability stuff is where the game shines the most I think, though occasionally I felt similar issues with like, where are the hitboxes? Why was I safe for 99% of that dash but there's one invisible outcropping on a corner here? But that stuff was rare, and there are some later platforming areas where you really need to mix and match your abilities and plan your path really deliberately, and that stuff mostly feels really fun, if occasionally a little bit too frustrating.

Definitely worth playing if you're into metrodivania/platformers. You'll see a lot that you've already seen in hollow knight, celeste, dead cells, whatever - but it's put together in a really nicely crafted package gameplay wise. Just don't expect to care about the characters, there's no real story here, just the suggestion of a marvel movie plot.

Reviewed on May 09, 2024
