+Mostly interesting story and characters
+Good writing and lore
+Good environmental visuals, game is at times pretty

-Story is at times too high concept and hard to follow
-Character stories occasionally end anticlimactically
-Lore is often dumped on you in a hard to parse way
-Music is repetitive and the main combat theme gives me trauma and makes me shake and shit myself

- -The combat system is... not good. I may be spoiled from other CRPG:s with turnbased combat, or the Pathfinder games where you are allowed to choose, but in a lot of cases fights are way too chaotic which means you either end up not using each companions full potential or pausing every three seconds to look over your options. This especially becomes a problem with priests and druids, who always have access to a wide range of spells.

Despite some classes "large" amount of spells, the character building simultaneously feels... insufficient. It could be because I played a monk, but most levelups felt fairly insubstantial for my party's power. This coupled with the relatively few levelups (I may have rushed through a bit, but I finished the game at level 9) made it feel like I wasn't really getting stronger as I progressed.

There is a lot of good here, but the meh and frequent combat made me really tired of this game by the halfway mark.

+Decent presentation
+Quick flow and tempo
-However, the game is very repetitive and simplistic.

Unfortunately a waste of time, and I don't see how they can fix this game without completely revamping the it, since the core concept is too simple to be enjoyable. There are way better mobile games in every aspect this attempts to tackle.

Also ads everywhere lol