this game blew me away so hard that i genuinely had to reconsider my feelings on uchikoshi's other work in response. if i didn't have the attachment to ever17's best cast members and its final route that i do i might actually bump it down a peg because remember11 is genuinely all that much better. that said, with r11 itself and supplementary material from the game and interviews with the team under my belt, i feel satisfied in saying i understand what uchikoshi et al were doing here. and for all those who claim this game is unfinished? even if that were literally the case, in execution, this is the peak of uchikoshi's powers. outside of the mere complaints that i wish the game included documentation like the official timeline and interviews in some form of re-release, and the difficulty of achieving some of its TIPS, remember11 is a damn near flawless experience. in keeping my reviews here largely spoiler-free, i can't exactly dissect my feelings about the meaning of the game or my personal takeaway here - but what i will say is that uchikoshi achieves on a meta and post-modernist level here what many seemingly fail to years down the line. a downright masterpiece and i genuinely don't see how the fuck he could possibly outdo what he did here. i have to admit, 999 continues to seem like an even greater drop, much as i like it, in comparison.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022


1 year ago

we only lob dubs in this household brother

9 months ago

You are honestly my favourite reviewer on this site

9 months ago

thank you for the kind words!