i genuinely don't even know if i can consider this game much of an improvement over the original. there's simply more content here, an additional two robot masters to round the cast out to eight, the introduction of series staples like wily castle and e-tanks... but i don't really think the game improves on a lot of the issues of the first.

some of the level design here borders on awful, with a lot of the signature "nes challenge" boiling down to "make this specific jump on this specific pixel but also work around these incredibly minute enemy hitboxes and hope to god our failure of a hit detection system doesn't knock you off the platform even if the enemy was a solid 5-6 pixels away".

there's no balance to the mm2 roster; once you get the metal blade, it's over. bosses are either a complete pushover or in the worst case can straight up softlock the game if the player doesn't plan out in advance (industry talk for reading a fucking gamefaqs guide for an nes platformer). still, the soundtrack's great and i like the character designs enough. hesitate to call this one overrated because of its gargantuan influence but i'm not huffing the nes megaman fumes yet.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2022
