it's possible my feelings on this will change upon finishing ep3 but ultimately i'm just starting to think i'm not the target audience for this work and that's... okay. it's clear this was made in the environment of someone stuck in the tumblr-era fandom heyday and dealing with some very real shit, and in ways that still come off as uninformed and perhaps in need of some help that they hadn't received yet - i'm not really interested in a full psychoanalytical discussion of the author because that borders on parasocial in a way i don't think is just.

what i can give this game is a definite growth in artistic originality and some great new concepts for worlds to explore. ultimately though a lot of my feelings about the first game remain here. here's hoping childhood's end is the strike-out people say it is. i'm starting to wonder, though, if this just isn't a game with me landing in its target audience.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2022
