Wolfenstein New Order was a phenomenal game to me and this sequel made me appreciate it even more. New Colossus expands on its predecessor’s strong narrative and creative set up to reach new heights. This one starts with an interesting perspective shift as you start in a wheelchair. We know the whole game can’t be this way but it makes an interesting start. Things change with some technology and equipment, and there’s more shifts to come later.
The action is changed in this one, I think in an effort to modernise and fall in line with some trends of the time- some of this sadly to its detriment. Perks give some gradual rewards and feelings of progress, but skill trees and collectibles feel a bit redundant, weapon upgrades a misstep. Some of the side content feels like padding but occasionally throws in a nice twist (like a rat killing job that turns into something else). I’m not exactly into guns but I found I missed having a real sniper rifle this time, the upgrade equivalent not being enough. And the silenced weapons don’t feel worth it as enemies are often wearing armor to take more than one shot.

Where the game really stands out is it’s narrative. I feel the creators made an effort to push this as much as they could, understanding the power of a ‘good cutscene’ and also in the first person player perspective. The emotional flashbacks to BJ’s childhood really pack a punch, and the whole execution sequence is a fantastic, horrifying thrill ride.
Supporting characters get their moments to shine and say their piece. It’s enough but just a little more would’ve been perfect.
Trying not to spoil but I also love the game’s climax, subverting the expectations both of a damsel in distress and a huge final boss battle.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2023
