I’d heard so much praise for XIV I was shocked when I came to this the first time, tried it for 20 hours and found it completely dull. I was baffled by all the love for the game everywhere I went. I heard it “gets good” in the expansions but I couldn’t see how you could really build something great out of this? A while later a small community I’m in was starting a new play along and convinced me to try again. I started having a bit more fun. I fell behind the group a bit but kept going. The narrative was still poor. Characters have a lot of words to speak but little of substance to say. There are hundreds of basic quests often involving travelling or teleporting between two places, walking a bit, fighting some enemies (combat mostly consisting of slowly auto attacking and cycling through commands waiting for health bars to go down and cool-downs to refresh). Party dungeons are a little more fun for having people with you, but again it’s all repetitive and basic. I finally got to the credits and felt such a relief, only to find there was a whole ‘post-game’ storyline as long as the first part. Here came some more characters with the tiniest bit more personality, people actually doing things in cutscenes. Is this the good stuff I was promised? Apparently not. It climaxes in a series of 24-man party dungeons bigger and harder than the others, and these really highlight what a mess it is. The screen is already so full of icons, text, buttons, names, especially on PS4, and now surrounded by all these players all using their own flashy abilities, you can barely see what you’re fighting. It doesn’t really matter, it’s just the same thing of watching bosses terribly high health points slowly decrease til you win. I will say the AOE zoning elements are kind of cool, when your character’s slow little legs and lengthy sprint cool-down let you escape.

The player community, particularly help threads online and the novice chat (which the game takes a long time to put you in) is really this game’s only saving grace. I’ll probably never understand their enthusiasm for this game beyond a virtual space to hang out with friends, a Second Life without the sex stuff (mostly?).

Here we are 100 hours later. I know for the unlikely reader this all sounds terribly hateful, I know. Honestly I only hold enough hatred for the game to rant this negativity here rather than let it out where people are having a good time.

Somehow I am walking out of this still interested in trying the expansions, but for now, I don’t want to think about it at all.

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2023
