These new Wolfenstein and Doom games are some of the absolute best and most fun first person shooters in recent memory. Good on you Bethesda, ID and whoever else is all responsible. It's so refreshing that these games can be such a blast without having to rely on the multi-player aspect. The story here is so-so but where else are you going to get a pregnant top less woman dual wielding machine guns blasting through a fire breathing robot nazi dog as blood rains down on her? Fantastic. The gun play is awesome. Blasting through nazis is always satisfying. A few small complaints. There didn't seem to be very memorable boss fights this time around. The trophies aren't as easy as last time. No zombies or aliens this time. And the weapon selection/swap system was sort of annoying. The stealth didn't feel like it worked as well as it should have, but I think that's just because I suck at stealth and have that same complaint with every game. That's more of a me problem than a game problem. This game has plenty of replayability. I love alternate history/reality worlds. I love the overall look and aesthetic of these Wolfenstein games. I love that this one went full on hokey and dove further into it's sci fi B movie inspiration.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2021
