Ghostbusters 09 is a terrific game.

The story, script, and voice acting is phenomenal which makes this a worthy canonical Ghostbusters 3.

The visuals and graphics are incredible for 2009. The facial scans and animations look way better than they had any right to in 2009. In fact it looks so good that I went back and rated later games lower for their poor graphics in comparison. I loved the attention to detail on the proton packs. The textures and environments are pleasant to look at and the physics of this game work surprisingly well.

The gameplay is pretty simple. It's a 3rd person shooter where you move through fairly linear levels blasting through ghosts and entities along the way. You occasionally enter a first person mode to scan objects, collectibles, and enemies. There are a few simple puzzles to complete which just entails opening a door with your gun. But what makes it stand out is the four different weapons you can switch between on your proton pack that all have their individual purposes, alternate firing, and distinct feel. So you scan a ghost to reveal it's weakness then switch to the appropriate weapon to disperse or trap it. On casual mode it didn't feel like it mattered much and you could basically use any weapon you wanted. It's surprisingly well fleshed out gameplay with a bevy of varied enemies and a ton of expansion to the lore. The trapping system is maybe a bit needlessly convoluted but you could argue it's sophisticated and works well. I'm just really impressed they put forth so much effort into this title when they could have tried to just sell it on name recognition alone. Instead they made a really solid game.

My only complaint is that it needed a few more puzzles to complete. Something a bit more challenging and complex that required you to use all of your weapons. Or maybe a driving section. Driving the ecto-1 could have been fun. The characters even joke about letting the player drive it at one point.

Very small complaints in an otherwise terrific game.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2021
