Grading on the movie game curve Brave isn't terrible. It's not good, but it's a decent little platformer/twin sticks shooter. It looks like absolute crap for a game from 2012 but it plays well and is fun enough.

It feels like an indie 3rd party game you might get for free on ps plus for ps4 but is actually a movie tie in for one of the biggest companies in the world.

It also has a couple of the most frustrating boss fights I've ever encounted in my entire gaming career. I'm nearly 31 years old and have been gaming as long as I can remember. Why the hell did they make a game based off a disney princess kid's movie this freaking hard? It's insane. Terrible game design. I had to replay a few levels in order to buy a few upgrades before I could beat the final boss. Even on the hardest difficulty you should be able to naturally progress through an entire game. Ridiculous.

Besides that I didn't have any major complaints. It's just a simple little game that does It's job well enough. A fairly quick plat too.

Reviewed on Apr 29, 2021
